Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Lately I have had some of the most amazing thoughts. 
They fill me up with a feeling of knowing 
and settle me down with the same feeling of knowing. 

Knowing that I have the power to create something 
that exists only within me. Within the circumference of my mind.

Knowing that I have the sense to transform what surrounds
me into something that is me. Something that has become part of me.

To think is a wonderful thing. 
To think too much leads us to stop thinking for
we try to prevent confusion and misunderstanding
by abolishing the problem, the thought, altogether.

To know when to stop thinking is the hardest part. 
To know when to leave the thought 
in its perfect form 
is a judgement that can only be made by the thinker. 

Should I stop here?

- KB.